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coffee, everyday .</a>

March 11, 2020

Every morning my eyes pop open at 3am. My first alarm goes off at 4am….and then another 15 minutes later… and again and again until my last one goes off at 5:45am. I’ve missed all of those alarms before, only to arrive at my gym 5 to 10 min late, and members waiting for me to open the door (you don’t know angry until you’ve seen Sylvie angry😡). Having the fear of getting my ass whooped by Sylvie, I changed my habits…….that and I just HATE being late …….this coming from the person who was late everyday when I was a chef, but that’ll be a topic for another post…...

…as I was saying, eyes open at 3am, first alarm goes off at 4am, in the shower by 4:30-:45, out the house and in the gym by 5:15-:30, 2000 meters on the row machine done before the 6am session starts. I feel good, I’m awake, I’m ready to deal with the Sylvie onslaught. These are my mornings. This starts my day on the right foot(at least physically).

Ritual: a series of actions or type of behavior regularly and invariably followed by someone.

Habit: a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.

Routine: a sequence of actions regularly followed; a fixed program.

Coffee: A magical substance that turns "Leave me alone or die" into "Good morning, Honey!

…….ok, that’s not the actual definition of coffee, but I’m sure most of you would say it’s spot on.

Not including the weekends, I can remember the one day I didn’t get my 2000m row in. I remember feeling off that day. It engraved in my mind that that would be my morning ROUTINE . I’m not saying that the rest of the day after my morning HABIT was great all the way though. But I can say that physically and mentally, I started the day off on a positive note.

Now I’m not saying to wake up at 3AM and row 2000 meters everyday to start your day off right. Everyone has a different morning routine. Some people have to train in the early morning to start their day( see angry Sylvie). Others listen to a podcast. Some probably just lay on the floor in silence. My boy Q has to throw 50 or so baseballs(some at my face)everyday if he could. Most just need a good old fashion cup of coffee, everyday, and they’re ready to take on the world. Whatever your morning habit is, make sure it’s something positive…….

“I think positive emotion always trumps negative emotion. We all yurn for reconciliation, we’re catharsis” ….. See Inception….. Love that movie.

……..because chances are the rest of the day will fall in line. So if you’re looking to make a change for the positive, start with a creating a morning ritual. Something simple that only belongs to you. That once its done, the next positive thing happens, then another, and it snowballs.

Find your cup of coffee, And whatever you do……don’t take away Sylvie’s coffee!